Optional inputs are available to meet your additional needs. Enter Actual Start date only if there is variance from plan.For Actuals, enter change in duration if there is variance from plan.Plan End Date will be calculated by the template. Enter Planned Start date and duration.In the Gantt Chart Excel Template, data entry is simplified to save time. Gantt Chart Excel Template – 4 Views Plan, Actual, Actual Vs Plan, Current Status Current Status shows the Actual schedule, but it shows the work completed as of today vs the future.Actual vs Plan shows actual schedule in comparison against the plan schedule.View 1) Plan, 2) Actual, 3) Compare Actual vs Plan or 4) Current Status. You can choose from 4 different views of the data. For summary tasks, Start and End Dates are automatically calculated based on Subtasks. They are also shown in bold font. Just choose ‘Subtask’ in task type while entering. You can create two levels of tasks (Summary and Subtask) easily. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – Two Levels of Tasks Gantt Chart – Excel Template – Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly You can choose to view the Gantt chart by Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly. The Gantt Chart Excel template can be used for projects of all sizes. 52 periods (days/weeks/months/years) are shown at a time.Milestone markers are automatically created.10 colors available (4 of them are theme based).Incomplete tasks, and delayed tasks are automatically identified.Show only summary level tasks or Milestones.Option to use automatically calculated % of Work Days complete or user input.Enter Actual dates only where there is variance.Exclude Holidays & Weekends as non-working days.Multiple views (Plan, Actual, Actual vs Plan or Current Status).Summary Tasks’ dates are automatically calculated based on subtasks.Create two levels of Tasks (WBS – Summary tasks and subtasks).Projects can span across days, weeks, months or years.The Gantt Chart Excel template allows one to easily create Gantt charts instantly. Gantt chart is the most common method used to visualize project schedules. Premium Attendance Report (Google Sheet).Group Shared Expense Calculator (Excel).Google Sheets Calendar Template – Google Sheets Calendar 2023 or any year.Excel Calendar Template – Excel Calendar 2023 or any year.

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